ECP vs SNF Software for Wisconsin ALFs
How ECP compares to SNF software for Wisconsin ALF operators

Complete the form to request our white paper on how ECP compares to SNF software for Wisconsin ALF operators.
- ECP is the leader in scale and experience working with Assisted Living communities.
- ECP improves speed and efficiency – SNF software slows ALFs down.
- ECP is built around what is most important to your business, prioritizing the 20,000 cares provided to a typical ALF resident over a handful of potential SNF transfers.
- CMS regulations require running new assessments when residents are transferred from the ALF to SNF, so the efficiency savings of using a common platform are minimal.
- ECP’s billing platform will generate more revenue from your ALF portfolio.
- Using ALF software for your ALFs and SNF software for your SNFs will lower your software costs.
- ECP helps with staff training and retention, making it easier to manage staffing levels.